It is recommended to view this carrd on a PC or on a sideways held mobile!


If you need help in a project, have a question to how to maybe do stuff or just want to chat, my DMs on all Social Media are open on all times and my discord is also accessible. Just hit me up, I swear I won't be weird! ...Maybe just slightly.





Native Language


Occupation IRL

Avaibility (Working Days)

Avaibility (Weekends)

Mackenzie (alias Mack)

Artisiie, Writisiie, MxCK

He / They

Adult (24.08.2001)




12pm - 1pm | 7.30pm - 11pm

1pm - 2am (occasionally)


Heya there, name's Mack!
Super excited to meet you~
I started with zines in beginning of 2020 and went up strong since then! I enjoy these community projects way too much and I'm always blown away by each amazing work for every project <3 I love meeting new people and on such projects you always get to know new, amazing people! After a short break in 2023 for mental health and graduation i'm super thrilled to get back in the game <3
Workaholic, drawing and graphic-ing without skill. I run on spite and determination combined with a lack of sleep and an overflow of caffeein >insert fingerguns here<

Experience - Overview

Following is a list to all the projects I have participated in that didn't get scratched / failed / any of the kind. If you click on the name of the project you will get lead to the twitter page of the project or another existing plattform on where to find them!
The symbols and acronyms are explained at the bottom in the notes.


1) Women! Wanted Zine

2) Fashion Dawn

3) BossRush

4) One Piece: Seasons

5) Left4Dead Zine

6) Children Of The Forest

7) Adoribull FanZine

8) Wild Police Planner

9) Strawberry Lemonade

10) Endings: A Destiel Fanzine

11) Beach Day Zine

12) Apricity

13) Identity Vogue

14) Whiskers across the Galaxy

15) Running with the Waves

16) Mikrokosmos Approaches

17) Containment Breach

18) Rainbow: After the Rain

19) Gorou Zine

20) Teyvat Studios

21) Sunny Side

22) Always with You

23) Sk8 AU - To Infinity

24) The Gentlemen of Teyvat

25) Genshin Selfcare Zine

26) Idle Breeze

27) OP Justice Anthology

28) Afterimage

29) Orgullo / Orghul Zine

30) Kingdom Haute

31) Paper Flowers

32) Usopp!Wanted

33) Märchenstunde

34) Inexorably Drawn

35) Sail on!

36) Heart Strings

37) Usopp's Fables

38) The Sniper King

39) The Best of Times

40) Castlevania: Seasons

41) Mint Condition

42) Fabled Gardens Zine

43) Emerald Storm

44) One Piece: Seasons VOL2

45) Helluva/Hazbin-verse Wild West

46) OP Tarot Project


C.Art | C.Writing | Art / Merch | Discord | Diverse

C.Art | Art / Merch | Formatting | Organisation | Graphics


Formatting | Graphics | Organisation | C.Art

Art | Discord

Intern Art | Intern Organisation

Social Media

Communications | Discord



Discord | Formatting


Social Media

Graphics | Organisation


Co-Head | Art / Merch | Communications | Organisation



Formatting | Art



HeadArt / Merch | Formatting | OrganisationFinances

Communications | Organisation


Organisation | Formatting


Graphics | Formatting | C.Writing

Art | Formatting


Intern Social Media

Art | Formatting | Graphics








Formatting | Graphics | Organisation




Co-Head | Communications | Organisation


Co-Head | Communications | Organisation



☑️ | AS

☑️ | PS

☑️ | PS

❌ | CP

➖ | CP

➖ | CP

➖ | CP

❌ | CA

➖ | CA

❌ | PRE IC

❌ | CP


Retired Co-Head Admin

Organisation | Formatting | Graphics | Art



When modding 150k members

Current Project Count: 02

5.5k Members

IMPORTANT: Some of the projects I have been part of got cancelled for various reasons, be it not enough interest, problems in the mod team, communication issues or general problems or I have dropped them due to personal reasons. None of those are listed here as they aren't relevant anymore. If asked I am willing to provide additional information, however none of that will be disclosed publically due to personal and private reasons.
-----Roles / Busy-scale
All roles are Mod roles unless specifically stated otherwise
- ✅ = Indicates that the project is completed (published, shipped, send out, ...)
- ☑️ = Indicates that the project is not fully completed but my work / position within the project is 'done' / mostly done
- ❌ = Indicates that the project is not done and I also still have work to do responding to my position
- ➖ = Indicates that the project has started but there is no direct workload on me / my position yet
- C.Art = Contributor as Artist
- C.Writing = Contributor as Writer
- Diverse = Project specific roles, See Exp. Details for a more accurat description
-----The stages of the projects are split into the following steps:
- IC = Interest Check
- MA = Moderator Applications
- CA = Contributor Applications
- CP = Creation Period
- PO = PreOrders
- PS = Production and Shipping
- AS = After Sales


Project Kind

Zine - Total

Zine - Digital Only

Zine - Physical

Big Bang

Mini Bang










Moderator - Head

Moderator - CoHead

Moderator - Organisation

Moderator - Art

Moderator - Merch

Moderator - Social Media

Moderator - Communication

Moderator - Discord

Moderator - Graphics

Moderator - Formatting

Moderator - Finances

Moderator - Intern (Generally)

Contributor - Writer

Contributor - Artist
















With the options above you can navigate the different portfolios!Some of these are emptier than others and my personal focus definitely lays on Page-Art, Graphics and Formatting as those are my most profound roles.
If there are any questions regarding a certain sample you can always send me a DM on Social Media or Discord. (All linked in Contact and open)
Please note that in every portfolio, the samples have no particular order. They are listed as I saw fit and not ranked by quality, style or time of production.The oldest pieces are from 2020, there are no samples older than that.Some samples are not the best as I'm still in the process of learning. I've had classes in basic Graphic Design consisting of InDesign and Photoshop. I am profound in the guides, basics and general things to look out for, even if the execution might hang low a bit.Especially on graphics I always look out to work closely with the rest of the team for feedback and improvement.Please note that this page is being kept updated as I go, so samples might get switched, added or just removed!

Portfolio - General-Art

Birb drawing
Fashion Dawn Page piece

Portfolio - Merch Art

Portfolio - Graphics

Full Portfolio folder Here

Portfolio - Formatting

Full Portfolio folder Here

Portfolio - Writing

Full Portfolio Here


From Start to End with you

[...] It took too long to get to the hospital. It took too long to get Sanji into the building. It took too long to get him into the operational room. Everything took too long. Zoro wanted to scream at them, punch them, break something to get them to just move faster, but he couldn't and he knew that. He'd destroy Sanji's chance of survival if he made any trouble now, so he kept silent, sat down in the chair one of the nurses shoved him into, sitting there with sheer worry while staring at the door the doctors and Sanji were behind. It was specialized for merman - Zoro would have put them through hell if it weren't - and Zoro wasn't allowed to enter it either way, so he didn't have any choice but to wait impatiently and worried. [...]


Stranded Alone

[...] "Alright there you go Buddy, all fixed up again", he mumbles softly after giving Chopper a full once over, tapping on the painted on blue nose right under the two small black cameras that look a lot like puppy eyes. The antenna of the rover wags like a tail happy from left to right, before the robot leaves Zoro to himself again and speeds off, back to whatever rocks he was onto collecting now. They'd have to take those out again, last time the rover gave them the silent treatment for forgetting that. Which hurts even more considering that he can't talk either way, so being completely ignored by their friend was double the punishment… [...]


If any questions came up while looking through the page or any other uncertanties popped up, my DMs on all socials are always open, the same counting for my Discord.If you write me via Mail please give me up to 2 days to respond, I check those rarely so it could take me a moment. If it's important or you have no patient like me I recommend you send me a DM on either Twitter, Instagram or Discord seeing as I check those up to daily!Please also don't write messages with just 'Hey' and then dip, I won't respond to anything I feel uncomfortable with.
So if you stick to that -> I'm excited for your message!